I'm not going to wax rhapsodic about the passing of Levon Helm. Poetic words about the man are easily found elsewhere. I'm just so glad I saw him one last time a couple years ago. Here are my notes on that concert. (Don't miss the link to the video a fan shot in Kansas City that night.) Lest we forget- "Life Is a Carnival".
Teddy Charles has died. Watch him in full crank mode. Charles has a right to be bitter. The early-'50s album New Directions is exceedingly hip. And the concepts laid out on his 1956 Tentet album sound as if they could have been written last year. In truth, one of the reasons I neglected to write more about Helm is that I can't stop listening to Charles' music. It provides one revelation after another.
Dick Clark has died. Tim Finn gets it right in his overview of Clark's career.
Larry Kirwin of Black 47 pays tribute to Kansas City in an interesting essay.
Lee Fields sings his heart out for NPR.
Kansas City Click: My official picks are published here.
(Original image by There Stands the Glass.)
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