We all miss Chet.
Because jazz still held a bit of cultural currency when Chet Baker died in 1988, the circumstances of his somewhat notorious demise received a great deal of media play. The stunning documentary Let's Get Lost was released the same year, and Baker's association with young rock artists including Flea had the trumpeter enjoying a late-career vogue. In spite of the presence of Larry Coryell, Buster Williams and Tony Williams, this German session from 1979 is the most obscure title in my library of Baker recordings.
The constant campaigning is really starting to bug me. It's not politics. Horrified that I wasn't even considering Santogold for my year-end top ten list, two of my best friends are demanding that I open my ears. I don't dislike her; I just can't get over the strong sonic resemblance to Missing Persons, a band I associate with bad times.
I'd like to begin using Yahoo's Media Player, but I'm having a hard time getting it properly installed. Please let me know if you're willing to hold my hand or give me any insider tips.
Kansas City Click: Around the time of Baker's death I loved to hang out at the Levee. The last of the Blue Devils- including Sonny Kenner and Claude "Fiddler" Williams- regularly played there. I haven't been inside the club in ages, but I've been meaning to catch their reggae night. Elisha Israel and AZ One are featured this evening.