The box top has been redeemed.
What the Sam Hill is going on here? This primordial stew is so suffused with exploratory energy that one could make a case that the men in the studio of Chicago's Cobra Records 48 years ago were forging the very future of popular music. Throat singing? Feedback? Insane overdubs? Nonsense lyrics? All that and more insanity is jammed into this rock'n'roll source code.
Here's an excellent music industry sales analysis.
To combat those dismal sales figures, artists are finding new sources of revenue. I don't begrudge the concept of selling access to artists through auctions like
this. I'm saving my pennies for a chance to bid on breakfast with Beyonce.
This post hits close to home. Back in the 1960's I purchased a 45 by Ike Turner at the legendary Kent's Records located at 33rd and Troost, the first used record store I ever knew. As a teenager I was eager to discover worlds behind my little world at 2703 E 61st Steet, a place that no longer exists. One find one day was Tune Town 50l by Ike Turne featuring some lady called Little Ann (aka Tina Turner) and the song was another version of 'Box Top'different than your post here. It was Tina Turner's debut on record. It is among my most cherished collectibles. My inactive mp3 blog promised to post it one day, but alas, I have yet to do so. Shame on me.
I wish I would have stated my above comment better but the booze poured freely at the moment and my memories were clear enough though the story was untold with so many pieces left hanging. Maybe another time, another place.
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