Andrew Hill died Friday. He was 75. One of the characteristics of geniuses is that they never end their quest. Hill is best known for his work with other jazz giants on Point of Departure from 1964. Yet his recent recordings, such as 2002's A Beautiful Day, are even further out. The entirety of the big band project is breathtaking. "New Pinnochio," like other compositions on the live album, opens relatively conventionally before unfurling in countless different directions. While it's difficult to focus on any one portion of a recording so dense (and enjoyable), Hill's brilliant explorations beginning at the 5:49 mark serve as a fitting farewell.
My review of Sean Lennon's performance Friday night is here. Seeing Yuka Honda on stage with him reminded me of Cibo Matto's wonderful "Sugar Water" video.
Each time I've written favorably about Lil' Flip I temper each compliment with numerous qualifications. His new tribute to the Virginia Tech tragedy is in keeping with Flip's maddening sensibility. It's at his MySpace page.
Kansas City Click: Russian bluegrass artist Zhenya Rock does his thing tonight at the Drop.
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