I didn't "get" Wes Montgomery for the longest time. I knew that jazz fans idolized the guitarist, but his work always struck me as dry and soulless. Only when I discovered his commerical recordings- derided by purists as exploitive sellouts- did I begin to connect to Montgomery's individuality. This out-of-print 1967 Creed Taylor production is my favorite.
I didn't realize it until after the fact, but There Stands the Glass recently turned one year old. In my first twelve months I posted 263 times and never featured the same artist twice. I only focused on titles available on Amazon's top 20,000 a handful of times- either at the request of a record label or when a prominent artist died (Wilson Pickett and Buck Owens come to mind.) In addition to providing me with endless entertainment, I've met many incredible people through this site. Furthermore, I've only had one less than ideal experience with a record label. As a hobby, it sure beats collecting stamps. Thanks for checking in.
congrats on one year! ive found some great stuff thru here.
I second that. You have wide-ranging tastes, and I'm often surprised (and pleased) to see what you've posted.
Thanks, brothers.
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