Kemper Arena may soon collapse for good. I'll always remember it as the one-time home of the Kings. Before the NBA became popular, my dad regularly scored courtside seats. Seeing players like George Gervin and Darryl Dawkins up close had a huge impact on my world view. It wasn't much of a music venue, but I saw dozens of concerts at the old barn. Here are my ten favorite music experiences at Kemper Arena:
1. Marvin Gaye- I saw more women's underwear on the night of June 26, 1983, than I've seen in the subsequent 28 years.
2. The Who- Alas, after the death of Keith Moon.
3. Bruce Springsteen- I first saw him at Kemper in 1981, but I preferred the 2002 tour in support of The Rising.
4. Prince- What a freak!
5. Tool- The first time is always the best.
6. Christina Aguilera- The girl put on a show.
7. T.I.- I love being in the midst of thousands of people who are losing their collective sh*t.
8. Bob Seger- It seems improbable now, but he was once a superstar.
9. Dixie Chicks- They threw it all away.
10. Bob Dylan- He was monumentally awful.
I don't care what you think- I like Coldplay. Even so, the video for "Paradise" isn't nearly as good as the opening theme of the The Banana Splits.
While I'm still on the fence about Terri Lyne Carrington's new album, this video of a live performance is excellent.
I'll spend much of next week studying Danny Brown's new project.
"Hornets! Hornets!" Please sing along for me tonight at The Midland.
Kansas City Click: Here are my official picks.
(Original image of 8th row ticket (!) by There Stands the Glass.)